Running on Empty (Fleur de Lis #2)


Singer Grace Delchamp needs to escape the city of New Orleans and get home to her friends after she suspects band member Brent Mouton  of slipping her the date rape drug. Deciding to never go back, she finds a job as a teacher and begins to put the pieces of this new life together, yet it becomes difficult to keep the demons at bay and when Brent shows up unexpectedly, throwing threats around, she begins to unravel. Her old friend Gabe Angelle, who has secretly loved her for years, returns to discover a fragile Grace in need of much love and support. Afraid to lose their friendship, Grace and Gabe venture on a rocky road leading to love.

A quick and seamless introduction to the gritty world of the big city, music and those willing to take advantage of the innocent, is delivered in the first chapter. Grace's trial and the burden she bears rings true and is told with raw honesty and emotion. Grace's situation brings a certain amount of intensity to the story yet it is hard to warm up to her completely right away. There are a lot of characters thrown into the mix and it becomes difficult to manage them all, but as the story develops the vital ones come into focus. Gabe is a breath of fresh air, and adds needed levity and appeal. A romance where readers hope for love both characters deserve is an easy draw, and one that makes this an enjoyable read.

Margaret Faria