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CHICK-LIT:  Chloe Kassidy lives and breathes photography. Opportunity knocks when well known curator Grayson Gates invites her to showcase at a gallery exhibit. She channels her soul and energy into the project by infusing her love of New York City but soon realizes her heart longs for a different kind of love. She accompanies friend Emma West on another of her hair-brained schemes to find a man, this time at a book club meeting.  Soon after, she receives a peculiar email. This begins a long and emotional relationship via phone and email with Christophe Kostas, the mystery man. Without the security of control behind her camera she treads into new territory and wonders if love seen through her lens isn’t her best option.

Chloe is a sensible woman and she captures the essence of an artist with all the passion and determination it requires. Her love of New York sets an uplifting quality but takes precedence over her love for Christophe. Christophe has a tantalizing, mysterious persona. He becomes the Hero that every reader longs for but he is very intense and at times contrived. Continuous ups and downs in their relationship become exhausting and the reader loses faith that these two will ever reach united bliss. This also steers the story into a weighty turn that loses some of the earlier light-hearted appeal. Chloe’s friends who play major roles in her life also play a distinguished part in the story. Cari Kamm's sophomore effort is an enjoyable, instant punch of earnestness and humor.  


Margaret Faria