The Extraordinary Journey of Vivienne Marshall


Vivienne was out for a walk when she was hit by the truck.  Well, walking and checking her Facebook and not really paying attention to the world around her.  Now she lies in an ICU bed, suspended between life and death, in a body broken almost beyond healing.  There are so many reasons to let go of this life, and so many reasons to stay.

So her journey begins.  Vivienne begins to explore the meaning of life and heaven with her guardian angel Noah.  Who better than this man who was her love and is her soul mate?  Together they embark on a journey and explore heaven through the eyes of others who have touched Vivienne’s life along the way.

What a journey it is!  A story of love, loss, joy and pain, Ms. Kirk has written an extraordinarily complex and compelling story which reverberates to the reader’s soul.  The prose is rich and layered with subtle nuances that stay with the reader long after the story has ended.  The love and care which went into Ms. Kirk’s work is obvious.  Her examination of Vivienne’s life choices is written with an honest sensitivity.  At times emotionally painful, the novel is saved from melancholy by Vivienne’s sense of whimsy and her self-deprecating humor.  Perfectly paced and always original and surprising, “The Extraordinary Journey of Vivienne Marshall” is a book to keep on the bookshelf to be read again and again.

Gwenellen Tarbet