
The media and advertising have a bad habit of making women feel down on themselves; they aren't pretty enough, or have frizzy hair, acne issues, bags under eyes, nose too big, lips not full enough, double chins, breasts are too big or too small, overweight, have tummy rolls, muffin top, butt too small, butt too big, thigh gap, camel toe, thighs too big, feet look weird, toenails look like talons of a buzzard...  It's humiliating and so horribly wrong.
But, what about us guys? We have our own burden…dealing with the women in our lives who are expecting us to be like the Other Man. You ladies know who he is. Don't act surprised. I'm sure you have been with him at one time or another.

Read the entire article in the June 2016 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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