DIY Writing Retreats


How to transform your home into a writing haven – at least for the weekend.
Have you ever looked into writing retreats or residencies in far-flung locations, and come away green with envy? I know I have. Between the stiff competition to be accepted, lengthy stay requirements, and travel expense, many aren’t realistic for most of us. So, what’s a writer on a monetary or time budget to do?
Host your own! All it takes is a day of vacation (even a weekend will do), a quiet space, a little money for food, and some preparation. I’ve been doing DIY retreats once or twice a year for the last four years and can say I’ve had my highest word counts during those special days. Here are some tips to get you started with your own:

Read the entire article in the July/Aug. 2017 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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