Read It Loud, Read It Proud


Thank goodness for e-readers,” a friend said to me the other day.“Because they’ve revolutionized the publishing industry? Or because they’ve made it easier to carry and dip into a book anytime, anywhere?” I replied.“Neither,” was her response. “Because now I can read steamy fiction without anyone on my commuter train knowing about it and judging me.” Judging. Hmm. Not a word I like to hear casually dropped into conversation rather than spat out in a tone of outrage.
What gives anyone the right to judge another person for what they like to read? To make assumptions about who that person is? Their worth? No one, is the answer. And yet literary snobs abound.The other day I was in a coffee shop reading the very successful and acclaimed young adult novel “Divergent” by Veronica Roth. Paperback. Cover held high as I read.‘What’s that book, dear?’ asked the elderly lady next to me.I explained. Young Adult. Dystopian. A touch of romance. With each term I uttered her jaw dropped further.‘Forgive me, dear,’ she said, ‘but aren’t you a little grown-up to read nonsense like that?’ She gestured to my daughter, asleep in her buggy beside me, as if to say, Look, you have a baby – surely you should be reading ‘grown-up’ books instead.

Read the entire article in the March 2016 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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