Isbeth's Redemption: Episode 3


Isbeth watched the tip of the sword as it bobbed in the air only inches from her chest and prayed that Master Ashfield didn’t have his mind set on killing her. One faltering step forward and she would be joining her Kort in the ever after. As appetizing as that thought might have been a month or so ago, she wasn’t inclined when faced with the real possibility.
“What are you doing with my pages?”
Master Ashfield blinked sluggishly and the weapon dipped slightly.
“I am not snooping, sir.” Isbeth indicated the neat pile at her feet.
Master Ashfield snapped to attention, peering intently at her. Pain etched creases around his mouth and whitened his lips. His dark eyes, devoid of the warmth of the evening before, narrowed in overt suspicion.  The sword tip rose to aim at her gut.
The breeze from the window scattered the pages all over the floor. I was only collecting them before they got soiled.”
His arm held steady. Not even a lifting of a brow gave her hope. “What are you doing in my chambers?”

Read this installment of this riveting story in the October issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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