A Day In The Life Of An Audiobook Actor

Karen Commins
Ann M. Richardson

People are often very curious about our jobs, and naturally, we love to talk about them!This month, we’d like to address some of the most common questions we receive. Preliminary Training and Experience: Most audiobook narrators take a circuitous route before arriving at this job. Ann was involved in theater and music growing up, while Karen has not had any formal training in acting. We both studied Broadcast Journalism in college and volunteered to read for organizations serving the blind and disabled. A narrator must be fully immersed in the story. You have to understand what's going on in each scene and be able to present it the way the author intended. Reading for the blind is not only a valuable and necessary thing to do for the community, but it also helps you build skills as a performer.

Read the entire article in the May 2016 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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*  To LISTEN to this article, click: https://soundcloud.com/narratorshelpauthors/indear-may-2016-a-week-in-the-life-of-an-audiobook-narrator

Want more? To listen to our fun interview with award-winning celebrity interviewer Kraft Masterson, complete with bonus content and outtakes from our recording sessions! Click: https://soundcloud.com/narratorshelpauthors/masterson-commins-richardson-audiobook-narrator-interview