To Self or Not to Self... Publish, That Is.


As a cover artist who works with both independent authors and authors who are contracted with publishing houses (some big, some not so big), I’ve read plenty of opinions about the perils and rewards of one way or another path to publication. Some authors wonder why they’ve been forking over up to 70% of their income, while others refuse to dip their toes into the Indie waters, happily giving up a percentage of their royalties to save themselves a logistics headache. And of course, there are those publishing butterflies who do both.
If I may, I’d like to explore the perils and rewards of both systems so that authors can make an informative decisions as to which path of publication is the right choice for them.
As the song goes, let’s start at the very beginning. (A very good place to start.)

Read the entire article in the March issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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