Bringing The Page To Life

Barbara Gaskell

As an author who loves to create atmosphere in my books, it has always interested me to know when readers think there is too much description. That is a subject important to bothreaders and authors. Many readers proclaim their dislike of too much, and many authors find it difficult to discover the perfect balance. I love to include description in my historical and fantasy books. With such genres, I feel I am creating a picture of a world which the reader has never entered. The cities of five hundred years ago were very different places, and even the countryside would not have looked the same. While I am writing, I always feel that I am there. I therefore try to draw the reader in with me. I don’t think you can really enjoy such a book, or feel empathy for the characters, or even care about the events, unless it all seems believable and rich with atmosphere.
This is even more important with genres such as fantasy or sci-fi, for you are introducing a world which has never existed at all, and there is no possibility of your reader accepting it unless it comes alive on the page.

Read the entire article in the September 2017 issue of InD'Tale magazine.

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